Writing Activites

The following is a list of writing activities for the Writing Activity Days in the schedule. This list is not final—feel free to submit ideas you have for Writing Club Writing Activities!



  •  Pass-Along Writing Activity
    • Everyone gets receives a prompt and then is given some period of time (perhaps 3-10 minutes) to write a response to it. After this time is up, everyone passes their paper to their right so they have another person’s prompt and  response. Everyone now continues the work for the new prompt they have. Repeat this process several times. If someone feels like a writing response has reached an end point, they may start a new one. At the very end, all writing works are read aloud by the last person who worked on them.
      • A variation of this would be to do a One Sentence Pass-Along writing activity. Everyone gets 1 minute (progressively longer time allotted as the stories get longer) to write a sentence to continue a story and then passes their paper to the next person.
      • Another Variation involves the one pass method in which participants get 5 minutes the first round to start a story and the next person takes the rest of the time to finish the story.
      • Note: everyone must write, not type, but WRITE a response for this activity.


  • Guess-Who Writing Activity
    • Everyone gets the same prompt and writes a response to it for some amount of time (probably 20-30 minutes). After this, the President of Writing Club collect all the writing works and one by one read the works aloud. After they read a work aloud, the group tries to guess who wrote the paper.
      • Note: everyone must write, not type, but WRITE a response for this activity.


  • Ice-breaker Writing Activity:
    • Everyone comes up with 2 truths and a lie about themselves and imbeds these in some writing work. After everyone is finished (or before 4:40pm), one by one everyone shares what they wrote. After a person shares, the group will try to guess what are the two truths and what is the lie.


  • List of 10 Writing Activity (from Susan Kay, spoken word poet):
    • Everyone lists 10 things they know to be true. These “things” can be about friends, technology, writing, love,  or whatever you want. Don’t over think it, just use what comes naturally to you. Everyone must do this in 10 minutes (or less). Afterwards, everyone shares their list of 10 truths. This, in turn, is the writing prompt. What perspective have you gained from listening to all these truths you heard from other people? Did you share any of your truths with anyone else? Did anyone have the opposite of your truth?


  • “Show and Write” Writing Activity
    • Everyone brings in an object to the Writing Club meeting. After everyone arrives, we organize ourselves so we are sitting in some random yet organized order (youngest to oldest, shortest to tallest, etc). Then, everyone passes their object to the person on their right and receives an object from the person on their left. After passing objects 2-3 times, everyone uses the object in front of them as prompt.


  • Genre Writing Activity
    • Everybody works off the same original writing prompt, but is assigned a different genre (ex. – science fiction, fantasy, mystery, etc.). At the end of the meeting, we all compare how differently our writings turned out.


  • Form Writing Activity
    • Everybody works off the same original writing prompt, but is assigned a different form (ex. – postcard, letter to a friend, newspaper article, college essay, letter of complaint, elementary school assignment, scientific notebook, diary entry, etc.). At the end of the meeting, we all compare how differently our writings turned out.


  • 3 Sentence Writing Activity
    • Beginning with a regular prompt everyone will write a 3 sentence story. After they have done so and shared their work with the group, everyone will convert their 3 sentence story into a 6 sentence paragraph. Once again, everyone shares, and then they develop their story into 3 paragraphs…


  • Noun, Verb, & Adjective Writing Activity
    • Everyone writes down two nouns, two verbs, and two adjectives and puts them on little slips of paper to add to the 3 piles (nouns, verbs, adjectives). The piles are mixed and everyone choose one of each pile and writes some work using those three things as inspiration.
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