Here’s a list of writing resources if you’re ever stuck on a plot, need writing prompts, or just want something to do!
Writing Advice
- Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
- On Writing by Stephen King
- The Writing Life by Annie Dillard
- Patricia C. Wrede’s Writing Blog
- NaNoWriMo‘s Pep Talk Archive: — (what is Nanowrimo? See the “Writing Communities” section)
- How to be a Happy Writer— by Randy Henderson
- Damn Fine Story by Chuck Wendig
Writing Communities:
- NaNoWriMo: a community for the strong-willed people who attempt to write a novel in November (NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month)
- Writer’s Digest: this is a well-established community, it has prompts and other resources available
- Goodreads: this is more of a reading community, but through this you can follow author’s blogs
- Young Writers Society: a community for young writers to share work and get feedback.
Writing Resources:
- Poetry Foundation: in general this a fantastic website, but we have found it to be a great resource for looking up a specific poem, a specific poet, or a seasonal poem
- First-names Databases: Thinkbabynames and Babynamesworld
- Surname Database: Surnamedb
- Purdue English Resource Page: a resource for academic writers
Fun Writing Tools
- I Write Like: submit your own writing to this & it will tell you which famous writer you write like (accurate you ask? who knows, but fun nonetheless)
- Write or Die: a website to help you keep writing or else…
- Written Kitten: a website to help you write– through kittens!
- Text Compare: a website to see if you’ve edited anything.
- Self Control: Can’t get away from your social medias? Ban them. This program keeps up from opening webpages that distract you and help you stay focused on your page.
Inspiration for Writing 
- Writing Prompts and Get Scribbling – Writing prompts
- Seventh Sanctum and Chaotic Shiny – Include a number of character, plot, setting, etc. generators
- The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows – Contains a long list of obscure words to use in writing
Articles That Have Helped Me
- How to Create a Rational Magic System by Chris Winkle
- How I Went From Writing 2,000 Words a Day to 10,000 Words a Day by Rachel Aaron