Hope Writing Accountability Blog: Day 6


Why is it that I always get my best ideas at 1 in the morning when I’m trying to sleep and not, I don’t know, when I’m outlining?

I’m making good work on my goal right? I’m almost exactly where I thought I’d be in a week, and that’s amazing cause I’ve never set goals like that before. And I’m coming across these problems with the introduction of the book. Like one of my MC’s, Tes, has enchantment magic, she can make anyone do what she wants by talking to them, but all the characters she interacts with at the start are immune to her magic, so it’s not shocking that Gurgle (she’s one of my other MC’s, my favorite to be quite honest) is also immune. So then how is Tes stuck on this grand adventure?

I remember when I was writing the introduction scenes the first time I had trouble figuring out how to both demonstrate her power and still trap her. And I’m not one for damsels. My world is a human empire ruled by a monarch of any gender, damsels are too old school. But I think it might be the only way. Tes has to be trapped because it has to be amazing when she’s finally allowed to use her powers.

And this gives me the opportunity to fix a couple other problems with my story: namely the separation between the humans and the goblins. In the original outline I have it so that the humans live on the coast where the magic is weaker and the monsters aren’t as present as they are in the forest, but that has the question “why did they even stay?” Like this isn’t where the humans came from, it’s a failed colony. A disgrace, truly, but it’s not all the have. And there’s a lot of things I like about this original concept. I have these pier towns that are built extending over the sea and It has this prince guy feeling like he’s hot shit cause he’s the last royal, but you know what they say about killing your lovelies.

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