January 11th = The Onion inspired articles & Caption-this-Cartoon
January 24th = Bizarre Photo Prompts
January 31st = Noun, Verb, Adjective Guided Prompt
February 7th = Humans of New York Photo Prompts
February 14th = Love Themed Prompts
February 21st = One Sentence Pass-Along Writing Activity
February 28th = Medieval Art Prompts
March 7th = Spring Break! Happy Writing
March 14th = Spring Break! Happy Writing
March 21st = Spring Break! Happy Writing
March 28th = 5 Ws & a H Special Prompt/Project Day
April 4th = Workshop Day
April 11th = Ruin Your Week prompt: taking a good occurrence and flipping into a terrible occurrence
April 18th = Childish Beliefs prompt: inspiration from your own or other childish beliefs
April 25th = Cancelled, I.S. Symposium day!
May 2nd = Pass along prompt, discuss potential summer workshoping/videochatting plans?
March 9th = Summer Break, happy writing!